Tag: ataxia

My Invisibility Cloak

My Invisibility Cloak

Some people refer to Ataxia as an invisible illness – a disease with no prominent physical characteristics. It’s an umbrella term for “any medical condition that isn’t easily visible to others.” There are hundreds of these invisible diseases like Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Cystic Fibrosis, mental illnesses…

And, to be honest, I’ve always been hesitant to put SCA in this category. How a person walks seems like a pretty prominent physical characteristic to me.

But, more than once, strangers assumed I was drunk before assuming I had a disability. Plus, there’s so much more going on that is, well, invisible. So, I get it.

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In 2019, the school I taught at reinstated March as “Inclusion Month” – a month filled with speakers and fundraisers and events to promote the acceptance, respect, and inclusion of all individuals. So, in light of this, I took a couple of days to do something a bit different in my classroom. (What? I wasn’t actively test prepping!? It’s okay, I’m no longer a teacher.)

I said to my students, “The best way to learn about something is to ask questions, right? Now, part of Inclusion Month is learning about disabilities so you can better include people who have them. And lucky for you, you all personally know someone with a disability whom you can ask questions!”

Continue reading “SCA Q&A”

The Unnecessary Effect of Ataxia Anxiety

The Unnecessary Effect of Ataxia Anxiety

In one of my first posts, I made a point to say, “I have Ataxia. Ataxia doesn’t have me.” Separating yourself from your disease is an essential part to being able to stay sane and happy.  If you have a chronic illness, it’s so important not to let it control your life. So important, yet so difficult.

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